Friday, May 7, 2010

My drink of habit

The URL of this blog has 'javaphilia' in it, giving the impression that this is about coffee. Then there's that overly orange cup of hot drink with a fancy signature on the froth. That this blog is called 'Coffeebreak' further affirms the impression.

But I never meant for this space to be about coffee, or my love for it. Truth be told, I was having a cup of coffee and was feeling warm and cozy when I thought of starting this blog, thus the references to the drink.

To be honest, I can't tell Arabica apart from Robusta. Heck I probably didn't spell those right because I see red, squiggly lines there. That coffee is harvested from mid-sized trees that look like shrubs is all I know. They have white flowers and green berries that turn red when ripe. We had those behind our house in the 70s.

Coffee and I actually have a strange relationship. I like how it clears my mind, how it perks me up, and makes me feel in control. I don't really care if it's a 3-in-1 Kopiko or some Latin American recipe from a pretentious coffeeshop. Just let have my cup and we're cool.

On the other hand, not having my cup is, well, disastrous. I get migraines. My body--particularly that tiny, albeit critical part called the tongue--fails to connect with my mind. If my mind is awake at all. Sometimes I feel like I'm looking out from a stranger's body. I'm in it but I don't control it. It's like my thoughts jump around at random, not following any logical flow. I fee like a surgeon staring at a patient's open chest, wondering what to do next, or why I cracked open that chest in the first place.

Guess you can call me a caffeine junkie. I won't argue with you there. I won't go through the whole denial stage. I'm waiting for the anger to set in but I don't feel anywhere near it at the moment. Perhaps if you skip the first stage the second stage takes a while. Oh well, I'll go get my my dose of UCC iced coffee in the meantime.

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